Abbeville - Berkeley
Ashley Acres - 1870
Howard R. Booth - 1907
Sue McCarter Carwile - 1840
Charles B. Evans Jr. - 1874
Thomas McConnell Crawford - 1793
Hagan Farm - 1877
Hawthorne Century Farm - 1873
James Lewis Leslie - 1760s
Level Land Century Farm - 1890
McIlwain Century Farm
Mundy Century Farm - 1870
Pete's Place Century Farm - 1870
Raines Farm - 1898
Robison Farm - 1884
Stone Century Farm - 1856
Tanyard Springs Cattle Farm - 1860
Frank Uldrick Farm - 1853
John Uldrick Farm - 1872
Young Century Farm - 1840
Dawson Farm - 1906
Wiles Century Farm - 1867
Burton Century Farm - 1872
Samuel Burton Family Farm - 1808
Burton Century Farm - 1804
Buckhalter Century Farm - 1862
Head Farms - 1918
McClain Century Farm - 1806
Etta Ree Mills Farm - 1870
Quattlebaum Farm - 1900
Toole Farm - 1891
Mims Century Farm - 1800
Ben Woolbright - 1860
Benjamin C. Wright - 1887
William D. Martin Jr. - 1800
Rocky River/Hencoop Creek Farm - 1800
The Elms - 1883
Grace William Akins
Williams Farm - 1851
Grover Century Farm - 1840
Hampton G. Anderson Jr - 1786
Annalynne Hall Barnett/Jane Hall Barfield - 1879
W.L. Bowman Sr. and Jr. - 1876
Boxwood Manor
Thomas M. Breazeale - 1885
John C. Burress Farm - 1851
Raymond Bridges - 1864
C.R. Bridges Farm- 1890
Bruce-Hanks Farm - 1900
Mary M. Shirley Century Farm - 1890
4C's Farm - 1864
Shelby M. Carwile - 1869
Cherokee Farms - 1820
James M. and Barbara G. Crowther - 1875
Nancy Wilson-Devine - 1848
Tract B- McGee Farm - 1905
Elizabeth Dobbins - 1871
Maggie Drake - 1868
Emerson Farm
Evergreen - 1829
Garrett's Family Farm - 1846
Denver Downs - 1869
Gray Farm - 1851
Cox Farm - 1910
William K. Glenn - 1884
Wilton Hall Century Farm - 1861
Hanks Farm - 1854
Hazel Hanks Farm - 1854
Lucille Hawkins Farm - 1840
James Ray Hawkins - 1871
William J. Hawkins Farm - 1890
Eleanor Smith Hayes - 1800
Hays Century Farm - 1867
Craig Hill - 1840
Sitton Hill Farm - 1880
William Calhoun Hunt - 1794
Brandon Hutchison - 1830
Jim Smith Century Farm
Kay Farm of Belton- 1885
Debbie and James Daniel King - 1894
Don King - 1840
Peter V.C. King - 1860
The Link Farm - 1919
Mary Louise Smith Martin Century Farms - 1800, 1859
Manford Mahaffey
Martin Farms - 1912
Nancy Pennell Masters - 1840
Masters Century Farm - 1882
McDaniel Farm
Kenneth P. McGee - 1791
Bonnie W. Merritt
Dr. James M. Milford Jr. - 1859
Millwee Century Farm - 1785
Ralph Martin Owen Jr - 1906
William E Pascoe - 1878
Mathias B. Richardson - 1855
Richard and Charlotte Roberts - 1800
Furman E. Rogers - 1857
Derrell H. and James H. Sears - 1871
Derrell H. and James H. Sears - 1840
Selma Saylors - 1820s
Lois W. Sherman
Lula Mae Sherman Skelton - 1825
Shirley Family Farm - 1906
Martin Century Farm - 1920
Stevenson Century Farm - 1895
Thomas Century Farm (Brent Thomas) - 1880
Ronald Parker Townsend - 1848
Frank Oscar Smith Jr - 1800
Tract A- Glenn McGee Farm - 1905
Dorothy K. Tripp - 1873
Harold V. Tripp - 1873
Marshall T. and Betty S. Ware - 1790
Walker Century Farm - 1898
Martha Louise Kay Vancil - 1880
Florence Moore Tucker - 1881
Paul L. Webb Farm - 1862
Welborn Farm - 1884
Wigington Farm (Elihu Wigington Jr.)
John Cecil Williams
Thomas Howard Williams - 1877
William A. Wilson - 1772
William Charles Wilson Sr. - 1848
Kyle Martin Wilson Sr. - 1869
Mary R. Wilson - 1897
Ruth Emily Martin - 1869
William Charles Wilson Jr - 1848
David M. Woods - 1894
Elbridge Wright Century Farm - 1849
Benjamin Wright Century Farm - 1887
Charles E. Dalrymple Farm - 1917
Oak Ridge Farm - 1795
T.F. Martin Century Farm - 1899
Tribble Farms- 1871
Double B Farms - 1877
Laurie Wingard Copeland III - 1865
Crider Farms - 1851
Givens Century Farm - 1898
J.T. Staley Century Farm - 1875
Sanders Homestead Farm- 1916
Henrietta Acton - 1901
Buck Hall Pine Plantation - 1912
Pineville Academy Century Farm - 1903
Clark Hill Farm
Gourdin Farm

Denver Downs Farms, Anderson County

Hagan Farm, Abbeville County