Richland - York
Margaret P. Broome - pre-1776
Chappell Plantation - 1870
Mrs. Ruby Lever Core - 1855
Adell Burkett Dailey - 1844
Frank Lynn McCartha and Sons - 1876
Marion Hopkins Farms - 1863 or 1868
James Muldrow Windham - 1875
Joseph Collins Woodard, Sr. - 1885
Girlie T. Temples Farm - 1911
Lewis M. Asbill - 1857
Baird-Watson Farm/ Joe Kenneth Watson Jr. - 1917
William P. Black Farm - 1847
Bonne Brae Farm/ Albert and Luann Eidson - 1873
Frank B. Boatwright - 1830's
J. P. Butler - 1854
Mrs. Alice Perry Creek - 1823
Edward Andrew Mitchell - 1881
Edwin B. Etheredge - 1842
Mrs. Grace W. Forrest - 1889
Sallie S. McGee - 1860
Royce and Robert Perry - 1823
Riley Farm/ Amy Riley Price and Frazier Duffie Riley, Jr. - 1834
Vadis Quattlebaum Rowe - 1875
C. Tracy Salter - 1891
Willie Mae Trotter - 1820's
Turner Farm/ Roger L. and Jane R. Turner - 1887
David Austin Vansant, Jr. - 1834
Joseph C. Watson, Jr. - 1888
Robertson Farm- 1820
Mrs. Geroa M. Belkap - 1762 or 1763
Ivory Burns - 1850
Cragmoor Farms/ Thomas Moore Craig, Jr. and Susan Craig Murphy - 1763
Talmage D. Foster - 1853
Genett Mahaffey Wingo - 1850
James M. Anderson - 1913
Dateria and William Johnson - 1830s
Dorothy Wingo Neal - 1810
Belle Patterson - 1774
David Settle, Jr. - 1856
Virginia Harley Smith - 1800
Sam Snoddy - 1772
Eugene P. Hodges - 1818
Natalie B. Week Rollings - 1802
Hugh C. Seymour - 1700s
Norris R. Fowler - 1847
Mark Carlisle Hart - 1851
MarySue Holcomb Keith - 1848
James Fred Parr - 1862
Carrie Hanna Prater - 1841
W. Arthur Blakely - 1822
Ebbie L. Crib - 1854
Davol A. Davis - 1854
Mrs. Snow B. Lawrimore and daughters - 1865
Thomas E. Owens - 1880
Paul Eugene Blackwell - 1920
John David Branch, Jr. - 1905
J. H. Clawson, Jr. - 1825
Frea W. Cornwell - 1855
W. T. Dickson and Frankie Shannon Dickson - 1874
Hill Place Farm - 1840
Mrs. William C. Reid - 1800s
Neely-Senn Farm- 1890
Ketchen Place Farm- 1842

Chappell Plantation, Richland County

Baird-Watson Farm, Saluda County