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Below is a list of Century Farms in South Carolina by County

Century Farms
By the Numbers
2023 Century Farm Facts
There are 456 Registered Century Farms across 43 counties, with an estimated half still active
Anderson County has the most Century Farms at 99
The oldest Century Farms are both in Charleston County, Copahee Plantation (1696) and the Legare Farm (1725)
There are 31 Farms that date to the 1700s, 351 Farms from the 1800s, and 74 Farms from the 1900s
**The date listed is the oldest date that we have on file of the land being in the family.
About the Century Farm Program
The South Carolina Century Farm Program began in 1976 when several regional century and heritage farm programs coalesced and the South Carolina Century Farm Program was signed into being by legislature. A farm is eligible as a Century Farm if it has been owned by the same family for at least one hundred years. Our program was created to find and celebrate these long standing farming families in South Carolina. The application is free, and if the property can be tracked at least one hundred years back, the farm is added to our registry, included in an exhibit in the State Agricultural Museum, and receives a sign designating the farm a Century Farm.
The goal of the South Carolina Century Farm Program is to celebrate and honor these longstanding farming families, to collect and preserve the stories of South Carolina farmers, and to educate and discuss the role of Agriculture in modern day South Carolina.
Please note: When the Post Office changed rural route addresses to street names for emergency response purposes, we lost contact with a lot of families. If your family is no longer listed, please send us your updated contact information to